The recipe came to us years ago from Kirsten Jasheway who hired Ali to make them as a surprise for her husband, Dwayne. He loved them, and we appropriated the recipe, which I encourage you to do. No sense in us being the only ones to gain weight.

Anyway, I have quadruple chocolate in my future. I haven't eaten yet, so I'm think the first one is weight-gain free.
Much like you, I presume, we've had a pretty uneventful week. In between working from home, Jeff has continued playing Tim the Tool Man Taylor.
We have a replacement light over the kitchen sink -- a project we've been eyeing for at least five years -- and we've finally put a light over the kitchen counter, which we've been talking about doing for 19 years. Clearly, it wasn't that big of a problem.
We also have a new router that's allowing me to work in my happy place -- the back porch. (More thanks to Alan Ng whose Ng Computer Services you should be your IT Help Desk, too.)
I've deep-cleaned more parts of the house and Ali successfully took a couple big exams. Today may include some yard work for me, and for sure for Alison who's helping Tracy and Eric keep their Indy house looking sharp. They've decided it's not their forever home and I think it sold (pending) in a week. My guess is the new neighbors won't be as much fun as E&T.

By the time Book Club started, I was already sleepy. It might not have been my finest hour as a Book Clubber. I truly am a cheap date. Jeff and I finished the bottle the next afternoon.
Alison's 19th birthday is coming up fast. Given the more we're learning about #Covid19, we're even less prone to have her out and about. Sure, she's young and healthy and her asthma is mile, but there's no reason to risk her health. I told her I didn't really want to encourage people to come by - even from the road - to give her good wishes.
"That is the last thing I want," she said. "I mean, I'd love to get texts and calls and stuff, but I don't want a lot of people driving by like that."
She seems sincere, and she's never been one to want a spotlight. So don't think I'm a bad parent if I don't organize a parade for her or have big signs in the front yard. We'll do something, and I'm sure we'll have a new box farm to deal with as I start online shopping. But what the celebration will be, is anyone's guess.
For now, we still have booze, toilet paper, two working toilets and soon, cookies. Pretty sure we'll be okay for another few days.
Cheers to however you're managing.
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