It's just a fun day. Everyone is so happy and there's just a ton of silly fun happening everywhere you look. This was our third time to get to walk in the parade -- thanks, Karin Ogden and the downtown YMCA team for letting us join in.
To your left are Ali and Jeff as we began to step off with the truck speakers blaring, what else? "YMCA." I don't know if their letters were off or my shutter wasn't up to par, but you can sort of see the letters if you squint.
Extra points if you sing the song while you scroll.
While we were there, Ali ran into her friend Roxie, who is involved with the local Rocky Horror Picture Show event. Ali got all excited about it and wanted to go.
Jeff, of course, dove right in and he and Ali started singing songs and gyrating in a manner that fit right in with the ambiance of the day.
"I have the soundtrack on one of my cassette tapes," he claimed. "It's Number 156, I think."
Sure enough, when we got home, he pulled it out and played it. It's a 1982 vintage and plays just as well now as it did back then.
You may recall that I am not a rock and roll scholar. In fact, at Pride, when the band played a short round of country music, I was the only one singing. Ali cringed.
But when they covered Shania, it was Ali who said, "Let's go girls.." And we had a tiny duet.
Despite that, it seems I'm going to the Rocky Horror Picture Show tonight. I've been resting up since we got home.
Oh! Shades of Sugarland at the State Fair. We had just gotten out of the place and were in our car headed home when the tornado sirens blared and there was a temporary evacuation.
Since the Sugarland disaster in 2011, Indianapolis doesn't eff around anymore when storms are sighted. There had been a report of a funnel cloud north of the city. We were blessed with good timing, but a lot of folks were just getting in, a lot more were inside, and they all must have gotten soaked.
Our friend Jeph got stranded along the canal underneath West Street. It was en route to the Eiteljorg, which was the evacuation site . Once the rain ended, the festival resumed, but it was a bit of excitement.
I was a little surprised that Jeff agreed to this midnight movie request.
Ali leaves for a 10-day, 4-country European tour with school tomorrow. Jeff is wringing out every bit of time he/we can have with her before she goes. (I'm one to talk as she and I saw a movie -- "But I'm a Cheerleader" -- at Newfields last night. )
Also playing in her favor for tonight is the fact that Jeff knows every word, bump and grind of the soundtrack of Rocky Horror.
Ali thinks we'll need fishnets and eye-liner. I'm hoping she means for the two of us...
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