We have a bit of water in the basement, but my guess is there are few bone-dry basements in the central part of the state after we were hit with record high rainfall. We've been down this road before and were prepared, so nothing but a small inconvenience at this point.
in outbuildings that now contain smashed vehicles. No one hurt, though.
Tomorrow, the Captain and I will take Ali to our first family college visit. She's visited a few campuses as part of high school trips, but we've never gone along before. We're headed to Boilermaker country, Purdue University. For you non-Hoosiers, it's about 90 minutes northwest of Indianapolis.
The forecast calls for 46-degrees and cloudy tomorrow, which is not as great at Turks or Caicos, but better than a blizzard, which based on the year so far, is still as possible, as is sunny and 75 in Indiana.
As the snow falls here, I'm going to think about last week rather than this one. And once again thank Gary Reed for his generosity and the rest of TeamReed Maine for hanging out with us.
Some highlights from the week:
- A slight knee injury had me packing a knee brace and lounging with an ice pack the first day, but by the end (and after much more lounging) I was virtually healed. I'd injure it again if I thought I could do rehab back at Beaches.
- No one was super painfully sunburned.
- We indulged in wonderful massages.
- Ali and I were convinced a taxidermist had installed a stuffed bird into the shrubs one morning. We watched it for a long time and it didn't move so we decided it was odd, but had to be an April Fool's joke or something. Then it appeared in a different shrub some hours later. It moved and freaked us out. So much for taxidermy on the island.
- David didn't catch only a fish head this year, but he didn't land a whole one either.
- Peter hauled in a Tuna and Mahi Mahi, some of which he had served up as fabulous appetizers one night. He donated the rest to the kitchen staff.
- Ali, James and I snorkeled and saw sea turtles, a manta ray, a barracuda and tons of fish and pretty coral. Ali and James spent more time in the reef than I did, and they added a lion fish and some other creatures to their vista. We'll get the photos in 10 days or so.
- I was reaching out -- not really intended to touch it -- but close to the tail of the barracuda when Ali saw me and snagged my fin. She's convinced she saved my life. I'm convinced I wasn't that close.
- Jen and I swapped books, and she and I shared the same opinion of my Book Club book.
- Most of us hit the water park with Ali on our last day, trotting up and down the stairs to the slides as if we were all teenagers.
Early in the week, some of us had gone to Sapodilla's, one of the fancier restaurants, and Ali and Jeff fell in love with their desserts and were conspiring to come back before they'd savored their last bites.
As we had to have our bags ready to go before breakfast, we had packed up before dinner. Ali hit the room, stripped off her dining attire and stuffed it into her bag, planning to indulge in comfort. It was only after she'd stripped and stuffed that she realized she'd packed everything but clothes for the morning.
She looked at the suitcase, her dessert plate, the clock and back to her dessert plate. She shrugged, grabbed the plate and hopped onto her bed.
"Guess I'm eating creme brulee in my underwear!" she said. And she did.
We have little to show for our time in the sun but good memories and some fun photos. But they're pretty awesome memories.
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