Alison got off the couch the other day and started repeatedly kicking out her left leg.
She's been taking Tae Kwon do lessons, she had been watching an Invader Zim marathan for a few days in a row (it seemed to me) and she's sometimes fidgety, so it wasn't that unusual.
Then she said, "Hey, Dad. My leg feels like it needs to kick something."
He'd been equally stationary for most of the afternoon deep in replacement window or fantasy football research, depending on when you asked him.
"Oh yeah?" he said, in a fog.
"Yeah. It's been a while since I kicked your butt in Mario Kart."
And it was on.
It had, actually, been a long while since they'd taken a break from their racing addiction. Ali had a long, long record of besting the old man. But she was confident. Some might say cocky.

When he won the first race, she was suprised. When he won the second, she was annoyed. By the end, she was wishing she'd stayed on the couch.
Yesterday morning, I heard noises from downstairs early, but I ignored them and rolled over. Then, I decided I'd go work out rather than laze around and when I came back, they were at it again.
"She practiced," he said glumly.
And so she had. The crown is back on the red head. And they're back to the races.
I didn't know Jeff's older brother came to stay with this past weekend! :-)
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