We sacrificed our annual 4th of July fireworks extravaganza in favor of a visit back home. And it was great.
Even though we were at the beach, Alison continued to frown on boys who went about without shirts on.
"Mom, look at that!" she'd say, shaking her head, disgusted.

Reminded that it was a scorcher, she was not moved. "Put a shirt on," she'd hiss.
We all had a great time, though it was far too short. We did get to see Auntie Jen's engagment ring up close. We're still recovering from the glare -- it's gorgeous.
I'm crazy excited to be a bridesmaid, and Jen and I spent some time poring over bride magazines looking for dresses. She's going to be a beautiful bride and we get to go back to Maine next summer for the wedding! I see summertime in Maine become a tradition for TeamReed Indiana.

Alison is excited about going to Maine regardless of the weather. And while she's happy for Jen because she truly loves her, as well as Peter, her soon-to-be uncle, she doesn't really care about the wedding or the dresses.
She remains more concerned about state of people's undress. She was aghast at the airport when she saw the cover of Rolling Stone.
And the grocery back home today, she turned around the magazines that featured women in teeny bikinis, again shaking her head in disapproval at the display of nearly naked flesh.
Just her little public service, I guess.
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