Alison and I were chatting the other day about what I should get Jeff for our 12th wedding anniversary. We were getting no where as we headed to the Fashion Mall.
We batted around suggestions that ranged from candy to cufflinks to new artwork, and I'd been thinking about a new briefcase. I reminded her that he'd liked the Red Sox jersey we got him for his birthday once.
"Nah. Clothes are boring," she said.
She suggested a new baseball for his collection. She's gotten him a pink Red Sox ball and others from the Children's museum and I think Alex gave him one from a space museum. We have some some Governor O'Bannon's office from various championship teams and he has some signed by players. I'm pretty sure he has enough baseballs.
"How about a pedicure?" I said.
"Sure! Let's go!" she exclaimed.
"For Dad," I said.
"Oh," she said. "I thought you meant us. Nah. I don't think Dad would like that at all."
We ended up with Godiva chocolate and an authentic guacamole mortar and pestle. While the quacamole thing didn't reek of romance, it is a gift that he'll love pulling out for guests. He's a big fan of the guacamole but we rarely make it from scratch. And avacados don't break the Weight Watchers bank like the other package does, so it's good all around.
Ever one to out-vamp me, Jeff started things off with a cymbidium orchid and calla lily bouquet. He replaced a silver chain I'd broken a while ago so I can wear a little silver heart he got me one year. And he surprised me with a replacement copy of a book from my favorite author. I'd loaned it out but it's been lost in the wind ever since. So now my collection is complete again.
On Valentine's Eve, we had dinner with friends, one of whom was fighting for her life not long ago. We are thrilled that she's making it through the illness and we jumped at the chance to have them (and her mother from Australia) over for dinner. Her mom is an absolute hoot, and they were all very sweet to Ali. She was in the middle of decorating sugar cookies for Jeff and me, and she told our guests all about our anniversary.
They all seemed a little shocked that we were having dinner with them rather than out for a romantic celebration. I've been thinking that over since last night. And as sappy as it sounds, Jeff and I celebrate our life a lot as it is, and sharing with friends (and meeting a new one) just adds to the fun.
I think everyone occasionally wonders what their life might have been like had they made different choices or had different opportunities. I'm pretty sure I'd be living alone in a broken-down trailer with 17 cats and an addiction problem somewhere in the backwoods of Indiana had Jeff not come along.
If you don't understand that he truly does save me from myself a little bit every day, you don't really know us very well. I'm grateful every day for him, for Alison, and for the friends and family who keep me going.
So Happy Valentine's Day! Celebrate it however makes you happiest. (and then do it again a little bit more every day of the year...)

Happy Anniversary! Sounds like you had a fabulous time. I think you should treat yourself and Ali to that pedicure, too!
Dana (who only has 7 cats, but does not live in a trailer!)
You made me laugh out loud! You and your cats....
:)Blessings right back at ya.
Those flowers are gorgeous.
(And, uh, nice 8x10 of the sprout. Glad to see nobody's locked you up for it yet.)
As my partner in crime, you'd better hope I'm never busted.... can you reeeeely trust me to leave you out of it?
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