So, voila: The List arrived today. In recent years, I've had to supplement her list, or prod her to add to it. One year all she wanted was "A Bug's Life" DVD, and it was the highlight of the holiday.
This year, she has 23 must-have items, she informed me. One of them is a Pokemon: Platinum Arceus.
"Is that a stuffed animal?" I asked.

"No it's a card," she said, looking at me like I'd suddenly turned stupid. "There are only one or two of them in all of existence."
I looked at her. "Hmmm. I don't know if I'm going to be able to swing that one if it's that rare."
She chuckled and I'm sure thought to herself, "Oh, you silly mom."
"That's OK. I'm asking for that one from Santa," she said, confidently moving through the rest of her list.
I mumbled something about how Santa might not be able to fulfill all of her wishes.
"Well, I might ask for some things from my family," she said, still reciting.
And, she pointed out that a few of her requests aren't really for her at all. They're for her lonely stuffed animals. Apparently some of her Webkinz have paired off -- and two of them have even produced an offspring.
But her tiger, Stripes, and her gecko, Luky, are unmatched and in need of a friend, she said.
"Although I have noticed that some people don't seem to need a husband or a wife," she said. "Maybe Luky would be ok alone."
Strips, apparently, though is needy. He gets scared at night when she goes to sleep and she thinks he might need two lady friends to keep him happy.
I think she's got life pretty much figured out.
I share this list with you only because I love to see her spelling when she doesn't have to make it correct.
Wish me good luck with the shopping gods.
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