I think time shifted into warp speed last week to make up for the prior week when it essentially went dormant, crawling sloth-like to Spring Break in Indianapolis.
I'm not ready to go back to work tomorrow. Alison was hoping the forecast for snow flurries would turn into a school-closing blizzard, but Jeff's worse than both of us: the Red Sox take to the field tomorrow for a day game after a long winter off.
Ah well. We're not alone in our suffering.
Alison has just a week to go now in her sacrifice of candy for Lent. This morning, we wandered through the Fresh Market waiting for Northside News to open. Ali immediately went to the candy display and oohed and ahhed until I tugged her away after my 53rd reminder that yes, "gumballs are candy." We were over in the dried veggie section when she reminded me that she had $1 to spend and maybe she could just stock up.
"If you're really hungry for a snack, I bet we can find a banana," I said, helpfully, thinking of my FitCity friends who are hellbent on getting Hoosier kids to give up the sugar.
"I am not wasting good money on a banana!" she declared.
OK. Don't tell my FitCity friends about that...
We did not cave into the sugar buzz, and we had a great walk before a crazy spring storm struck just as we were getting to the first Easter Egg hunt of the season down at the Athenaeum YMCA.
I worked out while the hunt was on and emerged, slightly sweaty, to find Dale Ogden sharing half his Laffy Taffy with my little Catholic.
"Um, is that candy?" I said, as the pink sliver of taffy edged into her open mouth.
She looked at me. She looked at the candy. She looked at Dale.
"She gave up candy for Lent," I said.
"Uh-oh," said Dale.
It was as if a strong wind came, pushing that candy into her mouth. Her mouth closed. I almost looked around for a cigarette to give her -- the expression on her face was priceless.
I'm pretty sure she won't go to Hell for half a stick of a snack-sized piece of Laffy Taffy. I'm not Catholic. I don't really know the rules. I just know it's been a long 33 days.
We spent the rest of the day inside, watching it rain. If it weren't so cold, the rain would be great. Ali finally got her rain boots painted -- they were a Christmas present from Auntie Jen and they are mah-velous. They come plain white and you get to paint them. There are even little wash pads so you can swipe off your design and paint again. She's been wearing them ever since the dried on Friday, hoping in vain for rain and some worthwhile puddles.
Amid the fun, we have had some bad news this week. Please hold the hearts of Ginny Reed, Amer Reed Tokash (and the rest of their family) in yours this week: Amy's father, Dennis Reed passed away this morning. Those who've lost a parent know there are few words that can comfort you, but the thoughts and prayers do get through some how.
Ginny is one of those moms you read about in the Hallmark store and see on TV shows from the 50's. She's June Cleaver, Marian Cunningham with just a dash of Laura Petry. She's just wonderful and it hurts to think of her being in pain. Amer will help her through, and we'll all help Amer. So hold them all close, if you would.
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