His latest injury involved the opening of a coconut.
Hours after he'd gotten bandaged up and was licking his wounds in private, Alison and I harvested the coconut. She didn't like it much. I, however, am a fan. While Jeff was off on a business trip in Las Vegas, Alison and I were laying around like puppies and I had the container of coconut at hand. It was one of those nights when I was feeling lazy so we had Taco Bell.
Had Jeff been here, he would have insisted on something more healthy. But he wasn't. I was lazy, and it was Taco-ville. Except that I was still a little hungry, so I kept dipping into the chunks of coconut. There's a reason coconut is most commonly consumers in tiny shreds, mingled amongst sour cream or stuffed into chocolate or cookies.
Short of a person stuck on a desert island with nothing to offer but a palm tree for shade, I'm willing to wager that no one has suffered like I did the night I had coconut for dessert.
It was awful. It was painful. And well, let's face it: it was deserved.
Jeff's hand is on the mend, but today marks week 2 of no basketball. He's not really whining much about the pain he's still in, and he'd dutifully swallowing his lime-green antibiotics. The air travel has, however, temporarily deafened him. So now when he reminds me I wasn't a hugely supportive spouse during his time of injury, the whole neighborhood hears him.
Oh well. At least neither of us will be tempted by coconut again.
In Alison news, we've mostly hunkered down as Indiana has taken a decidedly wintery turn. Ali had an unexpected sleepover at the Ogdens, so Jeff accompanied me on the walk to the newspaper stand. Matt Elliot, aka Matt the Newspaper Man, claims he, too, has skewered his hand in search of fresh coconut meat. Men!
In the early afternoon, I went over to get Ali, Alex and Hannah for a walk from their house over to the library.
On the way back, it had started to spit snow and the kids tried to catch snowflakes in their mouths. It was fun, but we were all a little frostbitten by the time we wandered back to Chez Ogden. Once we got back in, we stayed inside.

Karin thinks I'm working out with her at 5:30 a.m. tomorrow. Wish me luck that I make it...
The picture is a sampling of Alison's fashion sense. Today she paired her favorite pink camoflage pants with a patterned pink top, my pink argyle anklets and her sneakers. I made her wear her winter coat and pink gloves for the walk. A good two inches of long leg peeked out, but she didn't complain of the cold. Any price for fashion, aye?
1 comment:
I hear you. Went to a conference last week and heard a brilliant and funny theologian talk about those who use religion for their own social political agenda.....he described them as "preachers who know just what Jesus would do, if only Jesus had the facts."
Re Johnny, strange as I am not a country fan, but have been listening to a few tracks lately. You may enjoy "Johnny and June" by Heidi Newfield.
By the way, Jeff, we are all laughing WITH you.....really.
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