Alison and the Ogden kids are working on some decorations right now; Ali and I made cupcakes and cookies yesterday; and Hannah, Ali and I made a marathon shopping expedition for other supplies. This evening, Helen and Ali and I carved up some pumpkins, so we're getting close to ready.
Last night we had the Ogdens, and deep in the Halloween spirit, I picked up a $5 copy of Gostbusters, thinking it would be a fun flick. They didn't last beyond the librarian scene before they begged for something lighter.
Tonight with Helen snuggled on one side, Ali on the other and Jeff on the other side, we tried again. We go to the part where the EPA shut them down and all the ghosts escaped. I remember that movie being so much fun -- could I have been older when it came out? Or are our kids just wusses?
No matter. We have four days till H-day. I'm sure we'll be doing something each night after school to prepare for the party. On Thursday night we'll meet Aunt Donna and pick up Alison's super spectacular Halloween costume --another Donna special. Ali is going to be a witch -- she's been in training for a while.
Alex and Alison Vielee are in charge of the haunted back yard on Friday. A primary feature will be a werewolf who's been locked up in this killer crate I scored from work. Whoever is inside it will rattle and moan (and possibly emerge) hopefully right when some unsuspecting kids walk by. Alex hit up his Grandpa with a little spooky seed money that I slipped him, along with the family discount, for other stuff. So I think our yard will be full of mummies and monsters, dripping blood and moaning up a storm.
I was hoping to have an apple bob into a clear bowl full of live goldfish and a few apples, but Karin has forbidden that, lest the fishes leach out bacteria. (I know! I can't believe I've caved and let the idea go...) Also on the potential list is taking off the blade of our chainsaw and having someone chase the kids. I think Jeff's lawyer-side will kick in for that one, but a girl can dream.
If you hear screaming (and I hope you do) from our neck of the woods on Friday, don't call the police. Just bring some beer and come on by to witness it up close. Set your expectations low; this is our first time out of the goulish gate.
We'll start the haunting after the younger kids finish trick-or-treating in the neighborhood.
It should be fun. There should be no real blood and any buckets that seem full of guts will actually be something that just looks and/or feels like guts. No animals or humans will be harmed in preparation or execution of said haunting.
Everyone's welcome, but given that most of this will be done under cover of darkness, if your kids are coming, please attend with them and be on hand should anything untoward be frightened out of them.
Happy Halloween!
Just because I'm a habitual eavesdropper, I'll leave you with words from the paint crew on the back porch:

"Hey, let's pretend that I'm the boss of all of you," Alex says.
"But you're working on a project," the redhead points out.
"Well bosses don't work. They just tell people what to do," she explained...

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