But this week, I have to give him some much deserved props. In the PR biz, this is known as a 3rd party endorsement, so it's even more credible than if I just complimented him outright.
He has been working on a project for my family that involves the potential for some property my father once owned to be mined for coal. It's complicated by the fact that the property is now co-owned by my siblings and me. Because he doesn't practice in the property rights field, and because he wants to do the right thing by the family, he reached out to some lawyer friends who do practice in property rights for advice and examples of contracts that could be similar to one we may need. Here's the message he was sent by the property rights expert friend, funneled through a utility expert friend.
"... please let Jeff know that I recently attended an ICLEF seminar and I have some good stuff on coal leases which I will overnight to him... Please let him also know that he remains in my book, one of the all-time best basketball coaches in the North Deanery..."The reference to the North Deanery is back more than a dozen years ago when Jeff coached junior high boys basketball at the Immaculate Heart of Mary. He co-coached with Fred Miller, whose wife Laura and boys Steve and Jon, remain dear friends. A group of the boys came to our wedding, and it's one of my favorite pictures -- these boys with their grown-up clothes that didn't quite fit.

The guy who sent the message and the legal documents didn't even have a boy under Jeff's coaching tutelage. Jeff coached for a competitive team, but apparently his legend as the coach who wore a suit to every game (along with some good life-skills/bball instruction) lives on.
Jon and Steve Miller -- and all the boys Jeff coached -- are now full-grown men, out of college and working full-time. That's how long it's been since he coached them. I think it's impressive that someone would make a reference to it so much later and so out of the blue.
Other Stuff:
- Alison asked me the other day why fish didn't get cramps after eating.
- One day after camp last week, Jeff picked up the kids and loaded up on water guns. By the time I'd gotten home, the kids were in their swim suit and were loading up. It was great fun. So I guess I need to add Mr. Reed's influence to the likeability meter...
- Our friend Dale Ogden got a little fame in today's Indianapolis Star.
- Light a candle for Dale: he's in charge of the kids next week as we take a small, planned break from the structures of summer camp.
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