Friday, we'd planned to pick Grandpa Gary Reed up at the airport at noon and head for Chicago. Unfortunately he was severely cursed by the Travel Gods (or Continental Airlines, we're not sure. All we know is he was smacked hard.) Due to flight delays blamed on both weather and maintenance issues, he didn't get into Indy until 9:30 p.m. It was not a great day for him. The bourbon waiting on him back here at Chez Reed may have been the only good thing about that day.
So we went to Chicago bright and early Saturday morning. The trip up was fun. Ali declared that Grandpa should be her backseat buddy and off we went, four Reeds and about 20 Littlest Pet Shops who were eager to see the big city, too. We stayed a couple blocks off Michigan downtown at the Hampton Inn Suites . While it won't likely be the backdrop for any major motion pictures, the service was great, the rooms were nice and it let us go a little crazy on dinner. If you're heading to Chicago and you like Chinese food, you have to go to Ben Pao. It was across the street from us but apparently is considered among the best in the city. Alison, a potsticker afficianado, said her dinner (potsticker heavy) was the best she'd ever had in her whole life. She's even taken up using chopsticks. She was fiddling with the sticks that come standard when the waiter noticed and brought her some kid-friendly ones. She's been using both pairs ever since. She event used one to eat her frozen yogurt the other day. "It helps it last longer, Mom," she explained.
At our friend Jackie's advice, we also stopped in for dinner at Harry Caray's. You'll need to take out a small loan to pay the bill (or stay at a hotel off Michigan) but man was the food good! I'm not sure why Alison started saying "Holy Cow" a few weeks ago, but when she saw the real holey cow that lives inside the restaurant, she got more than a few giggles. Jeff, of course, surrounded by baseball memorabilia was having a great time. The food was really amazing, though. It's well worth the week's pay.... (thanks, Jackie.)
We also stopped in to the Shedd Aquarium and the Field Museum. I'd been vain and wore shoes with heels because you know, we were going to Chicago. I don't always put on makeup for the Fashion Mall, but for Chicago, I thought I should make the effort. I'd forgotten that we'd walks 17 miles for each outing, and my dogs are pretty sore at me. But I looked a tiny bit less like the Hoosier country girl. Well, maybe. You can only do so much...
The highlight of the trip for Alison varies between the mummy in the Pyramid at the Field Museum, the white Beluga whale pooping right in front of us as she glided through the water, otherwise graceful if not alien-looking, being shrunk down to less-than-insect size and burrowing underground, and the massive amounts of gummy bears she scored.

It was fun having Grandpa along, too. He was a sport and played Pet Shops with her during our down time. (I was rubbing my feet.)
Today, Jeff's back at work and Gary's back at home, but still cursed by the travel gods. His flight home was delayed, too. I think he was nearly 3 hours late, which meant that he missed his Italian lesson. He'd stashed more bourbon in his suitcase (The great state of Maine doesn't have as wide a selection as we have here.) and I'm betting that he had visions of breaking into the baggage hatches to snatch at least one bottle out. If his luck held, they just made him wait in the plane, strapped in with no offer of food or beverage. I hope he's still speaking to us.
Alison and I are heading out this morning with Karin, Hannah and Alex for CoCo Key, an indoor water park near Columbus, Ohio. It should be just as much fun -- if not more than Caribbean Cove. I've already packed the beer and decided not to bring the laptop. Other than the cell phone, I'll be incommunicado. I don't know if I can stand being out of the digital loop that long, but I'm going to try. I may have to scout out a library.....
Wish us luck: I'm driving.................
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