Ali, Bree and Jenna were best buddies during their 5 years at Day Nursery. They've celebrated each of their birthdays together. It was Kindergarten that broke them up; each going to a different school. Now their time together is hit and miss, but there's not a second lost each time they see each other. It's a lot of squealing and hugging and silliness from start to finish. Tomorrow should be hilarious.
Amer, however, is putting a crimp in our style. She's putting academics and Jenna's quest for her "personal best" above F.U.N. and not letting her skip school Friday so she can sleepover with us at the hotel. (Bree and Ali are attending schools that are closed on Friday; Jenna's goober school is in session.) My position is that Jenna will be at her personal best at the pool.
I have, rather ungraciously truth be told, bowed to the Mom, though, and I won't follow through (as threatened) and whisper bad things to Jenna. It's hard being a grown-up.
I'm sure I'll have more to add to this as we get the nearly 6-year-olds together again. Wish us luck for our little party!

More later. Happy Spring!
Ryan asked me the other day if the babies come out girl’s butts. I said not exactly and distracted her; we were in the bathroom so no possibility of deer though.
I prefer "Responsible Mom" to "Meanest Mom Ever", thank you very much!! She has two tests and her spelling final tomorrow plus a party and the convocation that she's singing in, and thanks to her partying with Bree and Ali, she'll probably be pretty wiped out at the end of the day!!
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