Thursday, July 13, 2017

So, I did it..

One day, not long before I left my corporate job, I was talking to a friend about the future. We’d just announced the company was to be acquired and we were musing about what we would do should we no longer be with the company. 
I repeated a line I’ve said many times: “If I had the opportunity, I’d write a book. And then another one. And another one.”

Have I not had the opportunity to write book throughout the past few decades? Sure. Sort of.
But I apparently didn’t have the discipline or the mental bandwidth. I fed my creative writing appetite with my little, un-monetized TeamReedBlog and focused instead on work, family and more than my fair share of Bravo TV.
All that all changed in May with my career switch. 
I’m both terrified and excited to tell you that I have published my first novel. You can buy it right now in e-book form and/or paperback on Amazon if you go here.
You can review my Amazon author page, too (I’m an author!!!! Yes, I’m a little squeaky about it, too.) It's here
I’d love for you to read any version, of course. I’m going to be obnoxious and ask that you add a review for it, too. Reviews are super important if I’m to extend my readership base beyond friends and family.
I would be forever grateful for your participation. More so if you forgive the typos I know I missed. 
In my defense, I was so anxious to complete the process that I put production ahead of perfection. As a seasoned author (ha!) I will be much more patient for Volume Two of the saga of Trailerpark Tammy. Chapter 1 is already done…
Anyway. I wrote a book! It’s fiction, based very loosely on stuff that lingers in my head from my childhood in rural, southwestern Indiana. 
The cover art is by a fun guy whose website is If you ever need your own cover art, I recommend him.
So go on, read! And please let me know what you think. Caution: it's a tiny bit racy in some parts and a little, well, irreverent, in others.   
As a side note, I will devote a portion of profits to organizations that do good in the world in an area related to each book in this series.  The Julian Center, for example, will be the organization to benefit from "Retribution" sales. 

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