Sunday, March 19, 2017

Week in Review

I had to leave work early this week when Alison's annual bout with respiratory issues flared up. Her cough reached the tipping point where medication could be had, so off we went to the doctor.

Happily medicated, she's getting back to normal just in time for benchmark tests and Spring Break.

One day during her recovery, she wandered into my bathroom where I was in a bubble bath, hoping the warmth would help ease a muscle issue I've been having in one of my legs. After she complained that I could spend time bathing while she was burdened with homework, she pushed out her non-existent stomach and said: "All this being sick and studying and laying around has given me a pooch."

"Yeah, that's what did it," I said.

She was on the way out when she realized what I said.

"Hey!" She said. I was still laughing at her when she returned, armed with a Nerf gun, then turned the cold water on.

She's a vengeful thing. But at least she won't be hacking on the beach.

With vacation coming up, I'm trying to stay away from the french macarons my friend Kirsten and I made during a french pastry lesson. It was a Christmas gift that was for the three of us, but Alison's cough was too bad to take into a commercial kitchen. It was super fun, though we did miss Ali, and we were sure she'd have done better than the two of us.

She's decided that she needs to switch from using the traditional measuring cups and spoons we've always used because the pastry chef who instructed us weighs all of his ingredients. For her birthday, she's asked for recipe books that give weights in the ingredient list and a kitchen scale so she can practice.

"I think I love baking so much because it's really chemistry," she said. "And I love chemistry."

On a less happy note, my Uncle Larry had some pretty serious heart surgery this week. He is my father's youngest brother and has been a constant in my life. He can tell the funniest story in as few words as anyone I know. He's also one of those people who you can always count on. Years ago I was up visiting my cousin, Lori, and staying with them, we'd come in from seeing a movie.

She and I were laughing as we came in the door but found Larry and Shirley in the kitchen, clearly waiting on us. My dad had had another heart attack. It was late. Not midnight, but late. I turned to get back in my car and Larry followed me out, insisting that I shouldn't drive by myself.

I don't remember that drive. He does. He's also never ridden with me behind the wheel in the 30 years since that night ride. In my defense, there's nothing but hilly, curvy country roads between their house in Columbus and Greene County General and we had reason to rush. I guess we were lucky that Larry wasn't in the ICU next to my dad, though I didn't realize that for a while.

And, I'm told that when she got a similar call about her Grandpa, Lori's daughter, Allyssa, made a strikingly similar trip from New Orleans where she lives to St. Vincent's in Indy. Her canine co-pilots didn't refuse to ride home with her.

The good news is that Uncle Larry seems to be on the upswing since the surgery. I popped in for a short visit today and he asked me to tell Aunt Shirley to stay home for a couple days. He's worried she's worrying to much and needs to rest. He was hoping that as Lori has to go back to work, she'll be stranded.

Aunt Shirley greeted his request with the snort and scheme I had suspected. Donna's driving her up tomorrow.  If you're inclined to find favor from higher powers, send up a note for my aunt and uncle. They're amazing people.

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