Saturday, February 14, 2015

So I have something to say...

I'm over the haters today. 

Maybe I'm all caught up in the memories of 2-14-98, but I'm kind of tired of people bitching about 50 Shades, Kanye, and whatever else is the crank-of-the-day. Life's too short, people.

Surely there's some one, some thing, some event that will make you smile today.  Rather than focus on what you DON'T have, how about you focus on something you DO have?

I'll help you out with a few examples:

My little niece Kaitlin was in a horrific crash and we thought we would lose her. She's now in a physical rehab place with a wonderful rep. she's patched together with metal and stitches and staples and while it's a hard road ahead of her, she has all her parts and they will probably work again. Of course her mother hasn't showered in about a month and a half, so there's that. But really, more positives than negatives.

Fifty Shades of Grey isn't Shakespeare. I'm pretty sure it never pretended to be. Who cares?! Unless you're in that 5th grade class that got the Search Word, you don't have to see it/read it/know about it. This is still America, folks. And I'm just a little curious about how many global best sellers you've written lately. It's a story. Get over yourselves.

I'm lucky to have a job that I almost always love. I love the line of work I'm in and I love most of the people I work with. One of my favorite coworkers just left, and I'll miss him. But he'll do great work in his new job and we're friends. It's up to us to keep in touch. This  year, I'm going to focus on renewing those friendships that mean so much to me, old and new. I have awesome friends. I need to tell them that more often.

So Kanye pulled another Kanye. Is Beck or Taylor Swift your personal friend? (I'd ask about Kanye but I don't think he has friends.) If you don't know these people, why are you wasting energy on that interaction? When Kanye tries to take YOUR moment in the sun, go get him. I'll help. Until then, give it the attention it deserves. (FYI: that 5 minutes has passed.)  

Alison is just about to start high school and I'm grateful we've almost escaped junior high without seriously awful stuff happening. I know there's a ton of terrible drama and opportunities just waiting for Ali to become a juvenile delinquent. But she spent yesterday afternoon making really complicated French macaroons for Jeff and me for Valentine's Day. She made treats for Nancy's family when they first arrived at the hospital. She is a good person. We are blessed to have her. Sure, I'm trying to shed 10 pounds and fancy, hand-made cookies won't help. I'll spend her 3-hour YAT class next door at the Downtown Y. #Choices

I know people get sick of happy pictures especially when the depiction is something you want but don't have. It took me a long time to get to Captain Reed and like all real romances, there've been some thorns in our bouquet. But the blooms are amazing and every time I see these shots, I remember how happy and lucky I am. 

Cheers to the lovers! Hang in there, those of you who have yet to seal the deal. It's out there. 

So suck it, haters. I have no time for you today.

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