Sunday, November 18, 2012

Prelude to Thanksgiving

Another busy weekend coming to a close too soon.

The important stuff:

Breaking Dawn is worth whatever you need to pay to see it. You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll gasp. You'll celebrate the end of super great villians and/or the salvation of good guys depending on your point of fang.

Skyfall is also worth whatever you need to pay to see it.You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll gasp. You'll celebrate the end of super great villians and/or the salvation of aging good guys depending on. Well, depending on nothing. If you know anything about Ian Fleming's creation, you'll love this movie.

In between movies, I hosted Book Club and went to Bunco, raked the yard and sweated some of my wine away at the gym. Ali and Jeff made sugar cookies from scratch.

I sort of cleaned the house. Jeff cleaned the oven. Alison got to babysit herself while we went spy watching.

All in all, a busy but good weekend. At Target this morning, after she helped me recyle and before our last cinematic expedition, I offered to buy Alison a new book she's been wanting. I figured it would keep her from vegging out in front of the television too much while we were gone.

As we walked to the check out, I suggested she might want to contribute some of her allowance to the purchase.

"I'm not falling for that again," she said. "You already said you'd buy it for me."

I haven't told the ungrateful brat that she's not getting paid for babysitting but I'm sure she'll ask what her rate is before the night is out.

Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you get to enjoy good friends and family.

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