For those of you who missed my explanation for the "happyisms" I'll try again. They're not meant to be an in-your-face-I'm-happier-than-you kind of thing.
They're my attempt to punch my demons in the face every morning so I can be a kinder, gentler human being for the next 23 hours.
The theory goes that if you affirmatively start the day thinking you'll be happy, you increase the chances that you actually will be and that you'll be a force for good not evil. I'm not sure it will work forever but it's working for now.
The Photoshoot is a look back at the week. I started doing it for my mother-in-law in Maine so she could watch Alison grow up here in Indiana.
I do it now for me. I'm glad you read it. And I hope that you like it more often than you don't; that it makes you laugh more often than cry or shake your fist or curse; and that it helps us stay happily connected.
I think of Marian Reed every time I type the words PhotoShoot Sunday. Sometimes that makes me cry and sometimes it makes me smile.
The PhotoShoot has gotten me through some really bad times and let me share some really great times. Believe it or not, I do edit some of the content so I don't hurt feelings or cause trouble. Well. Sometimes I do that.
The happyisms are part of the week's reflection.
I get that it might be easier to take on a daily vs. weekly basis, so here are two suggestions for those of you who vomit a little bit in your mouth when you see the collection:
1. Skip them! They're at the bottom of the blog for a reason. I won't be offended.
2. Be happy that if you're reading a week's worth of happy, I've beaten back the demons once again. Light a candle that I keep winning.
You're my friend. You've known me a long time. You've seen me when the demons are in charge. No one wants that.
Love you. Mean it.
Sept. 9... I'm happy that after two days of fun, Alison is tackling her weekend chores without an audible or visible complaint.
Sept. 10...
Sept. 11... I'm happy that we live in a country where our leadership is decided by votes, not bullets. And that we have emergency responders, military, and common citizens willing to rush into the face of danger to serve and protect. It's good to be an American.
Sept. 13 ...I'm happy that even though my muscles are sore they have successfully infiltrated and destroyed some of my fat cell villages.
Sept. 14...I'm happy my neighbor is also my friend and suprise veggie delivery man. He delivered a bag of kale from his farm to my door yesterday. Jeff discovered and stored it so I didn't find it until late last night! Kale chips for everyone!!!! (Thanks, Mark!)
Sept. 15 ... Today I'm happy that even though I don't always deliver, my friends haven't given up on me yet.
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