Sunday, February 28, 2010

The good, the bad and the tired

The bad:

My Weight Watchers coach will be angry if she hears about Friday or Saturday night.
More importantly, that damn scale she travels will be angry...
Billy Mays is both dead and untrustworthy: the Mighty Putty did NOT work.
Team Reed had technical difficulties, which meant no TV or Internet for most of the day.
We've lost one of the most fun members of the Bickel clan -- my Uncle Ed has left the Alzheimer's behind for what I hope is an afterlife full of fishing all day and shooting off fireworks all night.

The good:

I am coma-free. Still a little tender in the jaw area, but it's like a new life. Yea!
I had a date night with Lynda on Friday and had a fun night out.
I hosted Bunco Saturday and had a marvelous, wonderful time with silly friends.
My friend Jeph is in love and happy.
My Uncle Ed is in a better place.
My kitchen floor is no longer sticky with spilled wine and shards of glass.
I have a fun lunch date where I might deliver the last of the GS cookies on Thursday.
Jeff and Ali had lots of bonding time this weekend -- good times from both accounts.
Ali and I took a nice long nap today -- can't remember the last time I did that.
Team Reed had technical difficulties, which meant no TV or Internet for most of the day.

The tired:

I'm too tired to think of a fun post. Maybe next week...

Happy March!

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