Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My daughter the Jew

Alison has decided that she's Jewish. I'm OK with it. Some of my favorite people are Jews.

She became a Jew last night after discovering a package at the back door from her Aunt Margaret. Now Margaret is a great aunt. She's always thinking about Ali and she's always very creative. Knowing that we're about a week away from leaving for Maine, she asked if it would be OK if she visited Alison's all-time favorite retailer (the Dollar Store) and got her something to open each day before the trip.

Sure. I said.

So Ali unearths the package of packages and reads Aunt Margaret's note.

"Mom! It's like we're Jewish and we get to celebrate Hannukah! I get to open one package every night!" she squeals.

I got Margaret on the phone to let her hear over speaker phone. Because the package was a day later than expected, Ali got to open two presents last night. She was crazy thrilled with a miniature set of Rudolph ornaments and a two-pack set of pretty erasers. One holiday themed; one flower power.

"I get to celebrate "Hannukah" AND Christmas this year!" Alison said, thrilled with her dual citizenship. "Thanks Aunt Margaret!"

This morning, after Karin and I got back from the gym, I returned to a sleeping house. I piddled a bit because I didn't work from the office today. I thought I'd let Ali sleep in a little bit.

But I heard her stirring and went to find her already up. "I"m so excited that it's Wednesday!" she said.

"The school play is tonight. It's pizza day. Is that why you're so excited?" I asked.

"No, silly," she said, pulling out her box of "Hannukah" gifts. "I get to open my Wednesday gift from Aunt Margaret."

Pink silly putty. Oy vay.

1 comment:

  1. Your daughter cracks me up. She's very similar to me when I was her age.
    I still think I'm Jewish, but for other reasons now.
    Viva Hannukah!
