Friday, November 21, 2008

Twilight -- the movie

Call me silly if you want, but my book club friends went to see the new Twilight movie tonight, and I had a grand time despite:
  1. Getting stuck in traffic (for nearly an hour on 86th Street)
  2. Missing dinner; and
  3. Having to eat cold vermicelli and chicken in the theater (thanks to Kate for smuggling for me.)
The movie is a little cheesy at times, and the production is going to have to get better if they're going to keep up their momentum, but I'm already itching to read the books again...

Amer and Lyn couldn't go tonight so I'm likely going to have to see it again....poor, poor me.

I might be saved from that obsession by my new one: I joined Facebook and now I'm all caught up in looking up old friends. It's a good think I can't drink.......

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