Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sox Rule?

It's been a bit tense this week. Jeff's worked himself down to the pits of hell and has knocked on the gates of Heaven as his beloved Red Sox have suffered and soared. I'm upstairs right now and can monitor the score just from the noises that slip up the basement stairs.

Even if you don't follow baseball, you have to admit this has been an amazing series.

Yesterday, we drove down to our friend's lakehouse for a little Fall Break R&R. Ali went down early with John but I had a hair appointment and Jeff was waiting on delivery of our new stove. The old one, which had come with the house, had finally died. Jeff was willing to skip his Sunday morning basketball game but was planning to watch the game after dinner. While he trusted Lisa's word that the lakehouse had a Dish and of course would offer the game, he still prevailed upon Godfather Bob for a way to watch online should the Dish fall off the deck.

That morning, Jeff had pulled the stove out, planning to make the stove swap as quick as possible. You'd be amazed at the amount of stuff that can live under a stove. It may be that we live like pigs, but it was disgusting. Jeff started the job, but I ended up finishing it, using nearly a whole roll of paper towels, ruining a sponge and removing a coffee can full of grease and crumbs from the stove, the floor, the cabinets and the wall behind the stove.

I can safely say our kitchen is cleaner than it's ever been. I missed the actual stove swap, but I'm hoping the deliver guys when home and told their wives about the incredibly clean house they'd been to today. I deserve to be the stuff of legends in the appliance delivery world, man.

So we get the stove all squared away and get down to the lakehouse. It was a beautiful day with the leaves turning and the sky full of nothing but blue. It couldn't have topped 60 but Ali and Fletcher had already taken a dip.

It was a long drive for dinner but well worth it. Well, there was a glitch: turns out the Dish didn't carry TBS. Jeff watched the game online. He was a trooper and didn't complain. Mostly because the Sox pulled another one out. Ali and I ventured out for a little grocery/Halloween party shopping but otherwise just hung out at home.

Our Halloween bash should be fun. We've enlisted Alex and his friends to haunt the backyard. You should come by if you're in Indy October 31. I'm contemplating buying some live feeder goldfish for the bobbing for apples bowl -- wouldn't that be a hoot? I'm worried about what to do with the fish after -- I wonder if you can return them?

Uh-oh. The Rays have tied it up and just sent the Sox back to the field 3 up; 3 down.

The basement has gone silent. I'd better go check that Jeff hasn't offed himself.......


  1. who or what is Al going to be this year?

  2. Alison has chosen to be an evil witch this year. Donna's working up a costume in black and purple...

    What are YOU going to be?

  3. No party at the Bates Motel this year, so I'll be skipping the costume.
