Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Back in the Basement

UPDATE: Like that wily third little pig, we've made it through another dark and stormy night. Water logged but OK otherwise. Others weren't as lucky.

Now we face the prospect of having Alison at her summer camp about 10 miles north of our house while we're downtown at work with Tornado Alley apparently in full swing. Argh! She's at a YMCA camp, though -- brick buildings with a great safety training record among the staff. I should stop worrying....

Here we go again...

This has been the worst few days for bad weather in Indiana! We're all back down in the basement. We've been lucky lately, so we're scoping out the best places to be in the basement should the worst occur.

Alison's convinced that we'll be OK come what may because our house is made of bricks. It worked for the little pig, so she's sure it'll work for us. Cross your fingers that she's right and light a candle for those without bricks or a basement.

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