Friday, March 28, 2008

Sox talk

This morning I was getting ready for work Thursday in the bathroom while Jeff lolled in bed. The Red Sox are playing in Japan, so the game is on before we go to work. I’m surprised he made it in this week. Anyway, Ali comes in and crawls in bed with Jeff – neither one of them inclined to get going despite the ticking of the clock.

“Ali, look what’s on TV!” he says.

She snuggled close and agreed that yes, indeed, it was the Sox.

“I’m watching the Red Sox and it’s not even 7 o’clock in the morning. There’s nothing better than that, is there?,” he asked.

She looked at him and said, “I know something that’s better than that.”

He looked at her, askance. “What?!”

She leaned over, gave him a big smooch and snuggled closer to watch with him.

He had to agree with her. And then of course he pushed for more.

“Hey, Ali, do you know who that man at the plate is?”

“Yes, Dad. That’s Big Papi. You told me yesterday,” she said, with a sigh.

I think she's a fan.

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