Monday, January 28, 2008

PhotoShoot Sunday -- update

Alison greeted me at the door at 6:23 this morning as I came home from the gym. She was all dressed for school and had decided that if she could be ready early, we could play for a while.All of her symptoms but her cough are gone, so the weekend of laying around seemed to have done the trick.Just after she had brought up her Pet Shops ("But not all of them because I don't want to have to drag them all up just to have to take them back downstairs!") she remembered that today is "Crazy Day" at school and she didn't have to wear her uniform. So then she was off to find the craziest outfit she could put together. Jeff helped her.If there's a prize for crazy today, she should win it...I'll try to hold off on sending you the photo until next week.

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