Recently, one of them suggested an outing to hear an Egyptologist lay down some facts about women who rules in the ancient world. Interesting, sure. But I was feeling intellectually lazy and initially passed on the opportunity.
Earlier, I'd agreed to celebrate Tina Noel's birthday with drinks at a winery that offered (weakly) heated igloos from which you can sip and watch a beautiful Heartland sunset.
We also went to a movie of which prior to this outing I zero knowledge. Now, much like being an expert on ancient Egyptian leaders and the appeal of our hunting/gathering days, I'm also an expert on INXS and Michael Hutchence. Ha. Not really, but I am better informed about both and realized I actually know some INXS songs. Actually, I'm lucky they didn't toss me out of the igloo when I asked what the movie was about and then followed it up with, "Who's Michael Hutchence?"
As you know, I'm a country music fan with no ability to discern the talents behind rock music. I can, however, tell you (generally) who is singing what country music song. I'm working on this and just last week recognized Bob Dylan AND The Rolling Stones. Low bar, maybe, but I'm working on it!
In addition to being less ignorant of other music genres, I plan this year is to take a trip of some kind every month. I'm counting West Lafayette for January because the month is half over, the prednisone is wearing off and I'm a little bit tired. And it's wicked cold right now.
The Captain and I are going to Nashville, TN, next month celebrating our wedding anniversary along with Tracy and Eric. Still planning that out, but it's a definite. March/April will be a Spring Break trip somewhere: maybe Maine.
The idea of the trips and desire to do more stuff with friends is definitely a response to Alison's return to college. The classic empty nest. But when you have friends and you like your family, it's not a bad thing to have a roomier nest. You go out, you have fun; you remember that you used to a fun person who went outside the house for more than work and groceries.

the best picture of Ali's last day with us. She's saying goodbye to her father, who had work, which left me to return her solo. Were there tears? Maybe. But only in the room, down the stairs and in the car for a bit.
I'd parked as close to Ali's dorm door because we had a significant amount of stuff to drag up to the third floor. I'd switched cars with Jeff to get it all up there. Campus was virtually deserted, so it didn't seem like parking illegally would affect anyone. So there was no need for that bus driver to try to shame me when he decided I was in his way.
I say try, because he didn't shame me one bit. There was:
A. plenty of yellow for everyone. (Someone should tell Mitch Daniels that parents need to be closer to the dorm doors -- and should get a free pass when there's NO ONE but you and your kid on campus.)
B. No one got off the damn bus at that spot; and
C. Could he not tell I was having a moment?!?
Ali has been back at school for a couple weeks. I've got a list of stuff for her next care package. She's not planning to come home until Spring Break but has reminded us that she's free for dinner
between now and then.
I've cleaned pretty much every corner of the house, buffed and polished, donated stuff, reorganized things in the basement, gotten the toxics ready for proper disposal and recycled the recyclables.
FYI, saving paint for 20+ years is a fool's errand. I pried the top off a can thinking I'd touch up bits of the dining room and inhaled a swirl of air that may have had chunky brown bits in it. When we'd sealed the can, the paint was liquid and approaching forest green. It's congealed into a sludge in shades of brown and black and gray. I don't know what the shelf life on paint is, but it's not 20 years.
So yeah, it's time to go out and have fun. We joined the AMC movie club as a way to encourage date night. It's a crazy deal: you can see up to three movies A WEEK for something like $20 a person per month. We like movies. We may need to bike there or do some power walking in the mall to justify the sitting and potential snacks. But it should be fun for a while.
Add in Bunco and Book Club and I'm going to be out more than I'm in.
I'm seeing Bombshell with some friends tomorrow. This isn't a situation where I'm going in blind. I know all about those FOX ladies and have enough journalism background and #MeToo situations to be eager to see it. Doesn't matter, though. I'm going out with friends. It'll be fun.

So watch your inbox for an invite from me. I'll be squeaky clean and ready for movies, music, walks around the neighborhood, you name it. It's going to be a fun year. Be ready to say "yes."